Cáncer de próstata localizado en edades extremas - page 29

Bellara CA et al. Annals Oncol 2012; 23: 2166
Herramienta de screening geriátrico: G-8
0 = severe decrease
1 = moderate decrease
2 = no decrease
0 = >3kg
1 = does not know
2 = between 1 &3 kg
3 = none
0 = bed or chair bound
1 = able to get out of bed/chair but does not go out
2 = goes out
0 = severe dementia or depression
1 = mild dementia
2 = no psychological problems
0 = BMI<19
1=BMI 19to <21
2= BMI 21 to <23
3 = BMI ≥ 23
0 = yes
1 = no
0.0 = not as good
0.5 = does not know
1.0 = as good
2.0 = better
0 = >85 yr
1= 80-85 yr
2 = <80 yr
A. Has food intake declined over the past 3
months due to loss of appetite, digestive
problems, chewing or swallowing difficulties?
B. Weight loss during the last 3 months?
C. Mobility?
D. Neuropsychological problems?
E. BMI (weight in kg/height in m²)
F. Takes more than three prescription drugs
per day?
G. In comparison with other people of the
same age, how does the patients consider
his/her health status?
H. Age
Total score
A fast test
Median 4·4 (± 2.8) minutes
for completion
98·7% completion rate in
less than 10 min
Cut-off value = 14
14: favourable
≤ 14: impairment which
requires comprehensive
geriatric evaluation
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