Recomendaciones de la SIOG para pacientes mayores
con cáncer de próstata localizado
.- Treatment decisions should be based on health status assessment (mainly
driven by the severity of associated comorbidities) rather than age,
.- and also on the patient’s preference.
.- Fit and vulnerable senior adults in the high-risk group of the D’Amico risk
classification with a chance of surviving for 10 years are likely to benefit from
treatment with curative intent.
.- Older men in the low to intermediate risk group of the D’Amico risk
classification are likely to benefit from an active surveillance approach or a
watchful waiting policy according to their individual expected survival.
.- The benefits and harms of androgen- deprivation therapy for localised
prostate cancer should be carefully balanced in older men. Attention should
be drawn to an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular complications,
osteoporosis, and bone fractures