Cáncer de próstata oligometastásico Papel de la cirugía - page 21

Culp et al EUR UROL 65 ( 2014) 1058 – 1066
Men with documented stage IV (M1a–c) Pca at diagnosis identified using Surveillance
Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) (2004–2010) and divided based on definitive
treatment of the prostate (radical prostatectomy [RP] or brachytherapy [BT]) or no surgery
or radiation therapy (NSR).
The major limitation
of this study was the lack of variables from SEER known to influence
survival of patients with mPCa, including
treatment with systemic therapy.
Definitive treatment of the prostate in men diagnosed with mPCa suggests a survival
benefit in this large population-based study.
These results should serve as a foundation for
future prospective trials.
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